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The TridentUnwindooor contract is the base for the Sushi Trident AMM fee collection contracts. The unwindooor provides functions that can be used to unwind SLP tokens selling one side of the pair into the other token. It can also be used to burn SLP tokens, and return back both sides or tokens in the SLP pair.

The full contract can be found here.

State-Changing Functions


function burnSinglePairs(
address[] calldata pairs,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
address[] calldata keepTokens,
uint256[] calldata minimumOuts
) external onlyTrusted;

Burns liquidity pairs and unwinds position into one of the two tokens.

  • pairs represents the array of liquidity pair addresses to be unwound.
  • amounts specifies the amounts of each pair to be burned.
  • keepTokens refers to the addresses of the tokens to keep from each burn.
  • minimumOuts sets the minimum amount to receive for each burn operation as a measure of slippage protection.


pairsaddress[]Array of addresses of pairs to unwind.
amountsuint256[]Array of amounts to burn for each pair.
keepTokensaddress[]Addresses of tokens to keep for the burn operation.
minimumOutsuint256[]Array of minimum amounts to receive for each burn operation (slippage protection).


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if the amount received from any burn operation is less than the corresponding value in minimumOuts.


This function does not emit any events.


This function has the onlyTrusted modifier, meaning it can only be called by trusted accounts, as defined in the contract.


function burnPairs(
address[] calldata pairs,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
uint256[] calldata minimumOut0,
uint256[] calldata minimumOut1
) external onlyTrusted;

Burns liquidity pairs and unwinds position into both tokens of the pair.

  • pairs represents the array of liquidity pair addresses to be unwound.
  • amounts specifies the amounts of each pair to be burned.
  • minimumOut0 and minimumOut1 set the minimum amount to receive for each token in the pair as a measure of slippage protection.


pairsaddress[]Array of addresses of pairs to unwind.
amountsuint256[]Array of amounts to burn for each pair.
minimumOut0uint256[]Array of minimum amounts to receive for token0 in each pair (slippage protection).
minimumOut1uint256[]Array of minimum amounts to receive for token1 in each pair (slippage protection).


This function does not return any values.


This function reverts if the amount received from any burn operation for either token in the pair is less than the corresponding value in minimumOut0 or minimumOut1.


This function does not emit any events.


This function has the onlyTrusted modifier, meaning it can only be called by trusted accounts, as defined in the contract.